Thank You! -- 2019 Supporters
The tournament would not continue each year if not for our wonderful supporters. We would like to thank following from our 2019 tournament:
Closest to the Pin
Bridgeport Sound Tigers
Booster Club
Longest Drive
Stepney Hardware
Gold Tee
Jack and Trish Brennan Bridgeport Sound Tigers Booster Club
Spear-Miller Funeral Home
Blue Tee
Flip & Knette Archard
Brown’s Monument Works
Kevin & Maryann Donovan
(Impact Personnel)
Doggie Styles Grooming
El Coyote of Monroe
El Coyote of Monroe
Hawley Lane Opticians
IBEW Local #488
Jennies Pizzeria
Larry P. Lemieux, CPA
Mary & John Levangie
Osteria Romana
Rick & Wanda Search
Stepney Hardware
Union Savings Bank
Valentine's Diamond Center, Inc.
White Tee
Bob & Karen Burnaska
Nicole & Mike DeFranco
DeSantie Tire
DiBlasi Associates
G&B Shellfish
Gaetano's Market
Law Offices of James Hughes
Brian Kowalski
L.A. Barnaby & Sons, Inc.
Little Pub
Dr. Larry Novik
Peralta Design
Adam & Ann Search
Jason Shanghessy
JD & Marit Sinanis
George Slama & Margaret Drew St. Rose of Lima:
Monsignor Robert Weiss
Peter & Laura Steinfeld
Elsie & Jack Vavrek
Curt & Maria
Vincent Warde Wrestling
Lisa Alessandri
John & Belinda Battista
Susan Bloomberg
Country Cow
John & Carol DelFino
David & Maryann Ebling
Beth & Jeff Farber
Margaret Mary Fitzgerald
Cathy Hamil
Milton Jacoby
Jeff Latham
William Markowitz
Lina Marunas
Jeff McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. George Nemantis
Peter Perulli
Elizabeth Powers
Beverly Rosner
Peter Stansfield
Al Stoccatore
Donna & Russell Tice
Carol & Pat Tomchik
Town Cleaners
Raffle Prizes
ABC Exterminators
Barra Italian Street Kitchen
Bella Rosa Pizzaria
Big Y of Monroe
Chip's Family Restaurant
Donate Life CT
Fairgrounds Liquor
Framed by Kosal
Golf Galaxy
Il Palio
John Janik
Last Drop Coffee Shop
Modern Nail
George Monroe
Mr. Mac's Canteen
New England Organ Bank
Newtown Florists
Nostrano's Eatery
Osteria Romana
Sports Center of Connecticut
Super Duper Weenie
The Smithy
Victronix Swiss Army
Vincent's Restaurant
Waves and Shaves
Wellington Restaurant
Auction Items
Avance Day Spa
Bigelow Tea
Fairgrounds Liquor
Donnie Gallant – Hartley & Parker
Glen Ro Spirit Shoppe
Bruce & Pat Laskay
Lorraine K's Boutique
New York Football Club
Short Beach G.C.
Smith Richardson G.C. – Jim Alexander
Sound Tigers – Harbor Yard Sports Entertainment
Cyndie Stetson
Tashua Knolls G.C. – Dave Bove
Tractor Supply
Trader Joe's of Fairfield
Valentine's Diamond Center, Inc. Victronix Swiss Army - Shaun Sorbello
Villarina's of Southbury
Waves and Shaves
Whitney Farms G.C. – William Street